March 25/April 7
The Coming of the Lord in the world!
The Annunciation of the Theotokos is conveyed in a way that will make even older children and their parents enjoy learning about this great event.
Twelfth edition!
Soft cover perfect for smaller hands! 4.33X4.33in (11X11cms)
You'll love it!
Available in English, French, Greek, Romanian, and Russian!
"The Annunciation of the Theotokos" is "Paterikon for Kids" #31 of 118!
An excellent little gift for your friends!
"Paterikon for Kids—The Annunciation of the Theotokos," together with the Paschal "Paterikon Purse" and a Greek cookie, makes the best little Paschal gift for the kids of your Sunday School or parish.
With each Paterikon book, choose a "Paterikon Purse" of your liking and either a fasting or non-fasting treat.
With each Paterikon book, choose a "Paterikon Purse" of your liking and either a fasting or non-fasting treat.