Following the many important events of the Holy Week through the Holy Services at Church can be confusing.
With this easy-to-carry-with-you book, your kids will know the fundamentals, and they will love the dogmatically correct Orthodox illustrations.
Available in English, French, Greek, and Romanian.
An excellent little Paschal gift for your Sunday School children!
Free Shipping! Free Pouch! Free Treat!
Eighth edition!
"Paterikon for Kids—Holy Week," together with the Paschal "Paterikon Purse" and a Greek cookie, makes the best little Paschal gift for the kids of your Sunday School or parish.
With each Paterikon book, choose a "Paterikon Purse" of your liking and either a fasting or non-fasting treat.
With each Paterikon book, choose a "Paterikon Purse" of your liking and either a fasting or non-fasting treat.