March 1/14.
Our Church is Ecumenical, which means that it encompasses the entire world. Saint David of Wales is one of the Orthodox Saints less known in the traditionally Orthodox countries.
Wales is a relatively small country that has its language. Albeit small, Wales, or Cymru in the Welsh language, has produced many saints, of which the most beloved is Dewi Sant - Saint David. He was born around 500 A.D. and fell asleep in the Lord in 589 A.D.
Enjoy reading to your children the life of Dewi Sant!
"Saint David of Wales" is "Paterikon for Kids" #43 of 112!
Glory to God! Thank you all for your love!
An excellent gift for your Sunday School children!
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With each Paterikon book, choose a "Paterikon Purse" of your liking and either a fasting or non-fasting treat.