Hardcover #6 - My Prayer Book
Hardcover #6 - My Prayer Book
Hardcover #6 - My Prayer Book

Hardcover #6 - My Prayer Book

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"This book will help you unite your family in prayer!" 

Such was our motto during the five years we spent making this book. Ever since its first edition in 2008, this has been the main slogan for its promotion. 

How did we know that this book would help anybody unite their family in prayer?

We used this book for four years before daring to publish it. 

"Daring publish it?" Yes, daring, as it had an unusual format, "too many," and dogmatically correct illustrations. Α combination of an introduction to prayer, only as many prayers as we know a family with children can, and will, use, just the most important to us festal hymns, and explanations of the prayers that make sense.

We kept the motto as the slogan because we regularly hear from other families that confirm its veracity. The most recent was about a month ago. A family in Greece contacted us to order the entire "Paterikon for Kids" Series. As we talked, they mentioned how much benefit they've drawn from "My Prayer Book"!

They said that, through its introduction and explanations, though, they learned new things about the faith. "My Prayer Book has been the center of their family's prayers.

They also mentioned that the entire family feels blessed from looking at its many compelling illustrations.

Before ending the call, this family's mother said their copy is being kept together with transparent tape, as it has been torn apart from being used several times a day by the entire family during the last seven years. We asked them to send it to us, and we sent them a new copy.

Here it is! Isn't it beautiful? It is to us, and it is one of the most touching of all the feedback we've received with this ministry. This "destroyed" copy was in the hands of an Orthodox family with children during all their day and night prayers as a family for seven years.

Glory to God for all things!

If you, too, have a similar story to share, contact Dionysios!

Call/text 410-734-2771 or write to Dionysios@Potamitis.us


Due to supply chain issues, the CD is no longer available.

Update: NB: We have long offered audio CDs as a gift together with some of our beautiful hardcover books. As you probably know, our unchangeable policy is not to produce anything in countries that are declared foes of the Church but only with faithful Orthodox Christians. You cannot imagine how difficult it is to retrieve a CD production unit or a printer in the US that fits this prerequisite. We have yet to be able to continue offering you the gift of the audio CD. For that reason, we cannot promise or predict any date of delivery of the audio CD. Will you pray that we do find what is needed? 

Customer Reviews

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Joyce Thomas

Hardcover #6 - My Prayer Book

Father George Fayjaloun

Hardcover #6 - My Prayer Book

Mary Yannias

Hardcover #6 - My Prayer Book




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