Hardcover #3 - Saint Christopher
Hardcover #3 - Saint Christopher

Hardcover #3 - Saint Christopher

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Read the inspiring story of this Holy Great Martyr, who started his life as a savage and ended it as a sage and ultimately a venerated saint.

Coming, God willing, soon in a second edition!
Right now, it is available in Greek only!

30 full-color pages. This is one of our hardcover books. It is large (A4, 8.2x11.4 inches, 21x29 cm) and printed in full, vibrant color on the finest paper by Orthodox families in Greece.

Our saint΄s day, or name day, is when we honor the memory of the particular saint whose name we brand in Greece. It is usually our grandfather΄s or grandmother΄s name. We give joy to our Saints when we arrange to celebrate a liturgy in our church on that day, but even more when we try and become like them in our acts and thoughts. Saint Christopher, for example, rejoices when we try to distinguish good from evil, not according to what people around us think incorrectly, but taking as our foundation and compass the teachings of Christ through His Saints.

May 9.

NB: We have long offered audio CDs as a gift together with some of our beautiful hardcover books. As you probably know, our unchangeable policy is not to produce anything in countries that are declared foes of the Church but only with faithful Orthodox Christians. You cannot imagine how difficult it is to retrieve a CD production unit that fits this prerequisite. We have yet to be able to continue offering you the gift of the audio CD. For that reason, we cannot promise or predict any date of delivery of the audio CD. Will you pray that we do find what is needed? 




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