Orthodox Coloring Books #50 - My First Coloring Books #7 - Holy Week
Orthodox Coloring Books #50 - My First Coloring Books #7 - Holy Week

Orthodox Coloring Books #50 - My First Coloring Books #7 - Holy Week

Potamitis Publishing - Orthodox Children's Books
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The simplest books in our popular series "Orthodox Coloring Books" is the subseries "My First Coloring Books". There are now twelve of them, you can buy them individually or as a set.

"My First Coloring Books 1-12"

#7 Holy Week.

It's an excellent supplement to teach younger children about the Holy Week
Combine it with Paterikon for Kids #33, or "Orthodox Coloring Book #16 - My Book of Holy Week".

9 drawings to color in, now with coloring guides. This is one of the most popular ones, it's in its tenth edition.

Holy Week - Paterikon for Kids #33My Book of Holy Week - Orthodox Coloring Book #16 - Potamitis Publishing

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Pres. Elisabeth
Fantastic little book!

I bought this for my little one and it was a big help for her to connect with the different services and "what we're doing today." I'm back to buy another one for my goddaughter and the bigger one for my little one, who is less little now. :-)

Fran Karimbakas
Excellent Selection for Young Kids

Purchased for my Little Lambs Sunday School Class & the children ( 1-5 ) & parents liked it.